
Friday, December 3, 2021

My Minecraft townhouse

 In minecraft we were challged to build a townhouse that was a diffrent shape for each story it had to be of a diffrent pallette the land was 64 blocks. mine was the only one with a diveing bord and balcony. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

today in swimming

 Today in swimming I started to learn how to float on my back because I,m not that good at it so we used   containers to float  but it got to cold for me  

Monday, November 15, 2021

my story

Giant clouds sailed over head as we started there was a mysterious bag in the middle of a red circle.

We were told not to look in the bag and sit in a circle then a scary monster burst out of the bag. That's when I realised   that the teachers were ghosts AH! I ran out of the room quickly. then a huge stone tatalus formed from the stone wall outside. It started to chase me out of the school when I looked at the sign it said monster school.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Place value


This is my place value maths work 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Monday, September 20, 2021

Running rabbit


Me and Will also made this stop motian

Super heist

 Me and w\Will made this stop motian

Friday, September 17, 2021

yummy earth

 Today in inquiry we made another model of the earth  it was made of chocolate for the crust  mash mellow for the mantle and a m&m.

The chocolate was similar to the crust because when we cracked part of the chocolate it looked like the tectonic plates.

The mash mellow was similar to the mantle because it was the biggest and it was soft but not really soft.

The m&m was similar to the cores because there is two parts of it and it is in the middle


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The egg earth `

 Today in space learning  we looked at a egg  and how it's the same and how it is different.
One way I think it is different is that a egg comes from a chicken.
And one way I think they are the same is  that they both have layers.  

Monday, September 13, 2021

Monday, September 6, 2021

My Cerberus story part one ( this is also my quick write )


    CERBERUS 1# the                                     Escape

                     Once there was a Cerberus who lived in the gardens of a castle. one head was named John another was named Jeffrey and the last mike I know you suspected it to start with j but yet it doesn't. 

Now we have names done lets get on with the story so this is the medieval ages  so most castles were highly defended but zal zone castle had this to help attack and defend but one day this Cerberus the most dangerous thing on earth escaped and recked havoc all over town and then he defeated two armies and one castle  .then he became their leader he continued to defeat armies then people started believing that a great hero was to defeat him John and mike heads were worried but  Jeffrey was to distracted with leading thousands of  armies to get scared.

Then a magical kid was born to Beat the Cerberus .TEN YEARS LATER...the enemy was advancing but all of these monsters could crush them easily. Or so Jeffrey thought but the other team does not win this battle it is well you must find out for yourself so i’m not going to tell you as you probably thought.

 So back to the battle so as it raged on the men started to worry  and Jeffrey Could see and smell that but this is why the men where worrying they had been told that the magical kid Was coming with backup but now the starting to worry  about their back up because they had meant to come on 14 minutes ago they are still weren't there and they were losing troops they suspected that they were going to only have about 6 troops left  by the end of it And that worried them so that was why they were worried but Jeffrey wasn't worried his troops were too strong and they were probably going to crush them well he thought they were going to crush them but you'll see what happens later. So this is what happened to the backup of the Human Beings ambushed by strange people wearing Hoods these people were elves but they did not know it they were arainly would not happen. Everybody believes someday he would be defeated and that would happen. But that was a long time in the future. That would happen in a very long time in the long long long distant future But we must get back to the present now because something interesting just happened something very very interesting indeed. In Mike's sleep he had a dream and this is what the dream was about 3 creatures visited him. An elephant, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and a husky named Swifty who worked for Santa. They told him that him and his brothers would pay the price for their evil ways if they didn't get  the Stone of Wisdom, the Stone of Power, the Stone of Bravery and the Stone of Kindness. All of them can be found in the Hall of ELEMENTS. Mike Knew that he had to only tell Jeff this for if Jeffrey knew about this he would instantly accused Mike of being a traitor and try to destroy his head for he knew that Jeffrey wasn't as smart as he was in didn't know that if he destroyed his head then he would destroy all their bodies and they all die that was opposite of what Jeffrey wanted. They were Going to go a bit more into average citizens life now though so he lives in the castles of Iraq. Were All Humans lived if they are from his try but least can you the king was at the moment dealing with the elves but he really needed to talk with him about the Cerberus He waited and as he was waiting the high Madge  areeko was walking past  now Sidan knew the hall of all knowledge was not guarded and he loved reading in there so he Decided to have a peak in and of course that went wrong when he was in there areeko came back and that meant that  sidan had to reveal himself to areeko and that meant he would be in very big trouble because he was banned from the hall of knowledge whenever he was in there he got really excited then all of the books and knowledge fell to the ground if he hit them in his excitement that really annoyed a areeko so he got banned by the king himself even though he was special he still had to listen to the king but that was very annoying for him because he was a little rascal. So even though he was special he didn't get away with all of his misdoings and he's probably been from everywhere that gives you knowledge actually except for school what you wants to be banned from but he can't be so he just settles in Does a match bed stuff as he can it's cool so he gets banned but he still hasn't been banned and I don't think he will be because if he couldn't go to school he couldn't learn how to use his powers in Battle at all or order strategize so he can't be killed and that is what he really needs to do but his father was a great night so he knew how to wield a sword in and shield but I never said his good at it he mostly just do it now just use my magic so I'm  good at  but unless this never worked so he had to practice even though he thought it was going to work some day if he could figure out how to use is Powers properly .But alas he couldn't so he  was not going to get banned from school Until he got injured in battle but he didn't even want that to happen even to get out of school and he really badly wanted to get out of school so you should believe me when I say he did not want that to happen because he certainly did not if it did happen then what would happen to his powers would they be injured to and then would he even be able to stop the Cerberus and if he didn’t  stop the Cerberus  what would happen to the world would it be stuck in eternal overrun  by Monsters or not would  the lands  go peacefully back to their normal doings but  if they were overrun by Monsters then what would happen to his Village who had always hated the Cerberus  would day all be killed or taken in as slaves or  go into hiding to survive this was going to be hard. So even though he didn't like school he still trained well there but back to the present when real to himself it turned out that  what he thought was areeko was in fact a young Elfish  boy his name was Aaron and it turned out he was special to he was the youngest Elfish knight there was so he was  much more special than the other kids in his Village but in his village of elves there was a younger worker than him he was a hunter his name was Grak. But he was lazy And usually went to the butcher got some meat paid the butcher not to tell you body and then went and said this was his catching it already gotten it butchered and of course since the boy was rich he could always pay that amount the butcher wanted and the amount the butcher wanted for the meat so it always worked out for him. but it turned out that Aaron hated Grak as much as he sounded rich he was mean Meaner than Rams old who runs into a bumblebee face which stings an elephant or a mouse and then a hunter killed him P.s. I mean the elephant not Aaron but you get the point and so did siden he already hated Grak and he didn't even met Grak Now let's see what Mike did about telling people about his dream so when are you woke up you had breakfast early and didn't wake up John careful not to wake Jeffrey and made sure he knew but Jeffrey didn't because of Jeffrey you he would like a traitor as I have already said and if Mike was declared a traitor all three of them would die now armed with two daggers a sword and a bow and arrow and something that looks like a scorpion stinger on a stick so the backup didn't mess with them they just let them take them away to their stronghold  and were going to reason with them  so this Is how they reason with them they said we were just going to help other humans when you Ambushed us why did you Ambush us and please can you help us Because even though we have the boy that is meant to stop the Cerberus we don't know if it'll be enough to get to him through his army of Monsters so we might need your help in the battlefield so will you help us or will you leave us to die Noble wooden lock king of Elves  and leader of Woods these Woods are dangerous as well we can help you with your dangers if you help us with this.So the elves ended up helping them for they to hated the Cerberus to so The magical kid got to go with the back up to the battle scene but they were very late and the people they were backing up already were about to lose so they had to be fast they did this very quickly but they tried to maneuver the magical kid   to Jeffrey Jeff and Mike or the Danger Of Life as they were called by the men in the River of Life there was a few huts but not many but back to the story.They were just getting the magical kid to the Danger Of Life when a giant killer bat was  just flying past  and saw  the magical kid  whose name is Sidian cos I guess we should use his name since we are going to be talking about him a lot and the Killer bat  warned his master The monster army quickly made quick work of the backup  and then were off to the Castle of Vedic which was the refuge for the monsters for they had a lot more   forces there. It was their castle so they were completely stronger and the Men stood  no chance against the magical enchantments so it was all over for the men and defeating the Cerberus for now. Everybody knew they would be back for them to stop wreaking havoc there  is no extraordinary word powerful enough to explain why it happened so it probably would not happen.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

super mole understanding the Earth's layers

 this is a  to my slide  about understanding the Earths layers with super mole 


the Earths layers

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Friday, August 6, 2021

weighing packets

 In mathematics this week we have been doing weight. Our task was to fill four different packets with sand in our four groups. (We didn't have the same packets) we had to try and make the sand the same as the weight of the packet. Then we would weigh the packet with the sand inside and see if our estimate was close. Then we would write down if it was close or not. My group only got three done because we were running short on time. These are my I noticed sentences.I noticed that the estimates  were mostly far off. That the shortest container held the least. The containers were not always close. This is a picture of the containers.


Thursday, August 5, 2021

space objects

 we have been learning about space objects

Monday, August 2, 2021


In maths today we did a temperature experiment I was in a group with Lawrence hunter rocky and Jamie we did a experiment on temp we had 3 cups one with hot water one with cold water one with ice here is a picture

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


 Today in maths we did a whole lot of activities about capacity I was in a group with Lawrecne Jamie Hunter R Rocky  and Winslow  capacity is the max amount something can hold there were three activities I fond out that the tallest bottle does not always have the biggest capacity.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Term 2 reflection 2021

My favorite thing in inquiry this term was making my modal of a V- hut with my friends because it was fun finding out facts and painting the modal.

My next favorite thing this term was the cross country  because it keeps me fit like doge ball and their both really fun.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

school lunches

 the school lunches I like is the croissant  because it tastes like home.  

I dislike the sandwiches    because they have weird sauces  some times .

The Bridle Path walk

My class walked the bride path. we did it because we were doing what the early Europeans had to do when they arrived in  Lyttelton them steepest side was Lyttelton  but when we reached Christchurch side everybody fell over I was really sore on the Lyttelton side. 


my math

 this is some of my math math work  

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

our v-hut

 Me, Jamison ,James made a v-hut this is how we did it  first we put the roof together and then we made a mini campfire. It has  fake trees and a log. And a pond.then painted the hole v-hut brown the pond blue the ground green and we were finished I learned that v-huts are cramped and thay had no chimeneys .  

Thursday, July 1, 2021

makey makey

How have you been using makey makey ?to create a game controller

How did you use the makey makey to test if items were conductive?

we pluged in the makey makey and and cliped the materials  on a click it and check if it made a space.

What you found out? that we conduct 

Tell us about your game controller… it was in the shape of a pizza.

What material did you use that conducts. play dough

Did it work?no the codeing was wrong

What changes did you make?the wires 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Monday mash up with Sharon

day 1: today i start making a board game called PIZZA RUN it 

day 2: today we finished the rules these are these are them 

2-4 players


  1. Land on a black square and your caugnht

  2. start with 1 piece of pizza and you need to collect get 6

  3. roll a black and your caught if the others want

  4. You can’t get caught on the first five square

  5. 3 laps

  6. roll dice to move

day 3:

well today we just made the bord

Thursday, June 24, 2021


 this is my dividing work

Friday, June 11, 2021

making butter

 1.fill a jar with cream

2.shake it well

3.shake it some more

ferrymead post

a while ago my class went to ferrymead we dressed up like old old in days kids and we did these things 

                                pioneer crafts 

we  made optical illusions  candles and knitting


we made fake ids  I was a black smith and my name was john


at the v-hut we did sweeping cleaning the deck washing and wood choping                                  

                         packing the trunk                  

we talked about what we need on the ship and off

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

the battle song

Narnia: "The Battle
I looking into a wardrobe and suddenly I was in a different world and when I got out of this Forest Hill the giant war going on the red side asked me to fight for them so I decided to fight for them they gave me a lion and I rode on and I Vanquished the blue side.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Te Papa

 what is Te Papa?  a museum

my favourite expedition? the web of time

where is Te Papa? in wellington

Monday, May 17, 2021

today learning

 Today today the first thing we did was Monday mashup I did drama  the best game we played was spaghetti  we have to go into the middle and yell spaghetti in different emotions then we did a play well one play then we did a play well one play it so kind and not altogether kind of each the people how were me will Conner and Sadie

Thursday, May 6, 2021

birds graph

 the lowest one is keas

in the middle is fantails

the highest is sparrow 

what is the total sparrow and keas 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021


The worst of it was going to the dentist and going to the neighbors cats funeral      
The BEST of it getting my dog to climb a tree at  Thompson park
overarll ..


my line graph and pie one

I made this line graph with create a graph


Friday, April 16, 2021

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Moment in time

I see a rocking red boat

I hear a flock of cawing seagulls and the rushing waves.

I smell the salty fresh.

I feel the golden sand between my toes.

I taste the bitter water in my hair.

I notice a strange fence.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

dye wolf

today I was in google sheets to make this great pixel art


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

shark life part 1 of 2

Once there was a dead shark bobbing up and down in the shallows of the beach. This is a story about how  I thought it's life was like. It all started in the middle of the Pacific ocean where a shark was about to be born and the mother was already fussing about how to look after it then suddenly she remembered "oh what she'll I name it" she said to be continued...

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

kawa care


Monday, March 8, 2021

metal octopus

 one night I was runing around  my grand parents field when suddenly I saw a giant  mechanical octopus with a  book,flute,key,sack,hammer,quill and parchment.then it shot a huge laser at me. yikes but I had an enough time to jump on a sheep


Thursday, March 4, 2021


 today in swimming I learned how to do a length

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

my poster

In Beths group we are making posters to represent us we have to have  these  things our godwit, toe-toe and tawhirimatea plus 5 our more things that you like.

AJ hacket

#1 he inspired me because he invented the bungy cord

#2 and because he stared a business from  what he loved

#3 in Paris when he got to the ground the police arrested him

#4 millions of people wanted to try

The plot

तीन अंधे चूहे (The Complete Story of The Three Blind Mice) | The Kahani  Project

 One night me and my friends planed to go and have a day at the mall.

But then I remembered the cat (Ruffy as we called her)so we got some cloths and tall stilts so we could look like the big things (humans) and walk right past.

So we did and we had the best day ever because the mall had 1000,000,000, of houses made of cheese and plenty of beds.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

My First Journal 2021

                                                    My First Journal 2021

17.2.21   This year I have had fun doing activities about my class. I have liked my new kaiawhina group. I want to work on my dividing.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021